The StateView Hotel - Raleigh
The conference venue will be the new StateView Hotel near the NC State campus in Raleigh, NC. Part of Marriott's Autograph® Hotel Collection, it offers convenience and luxury.
The room rates are $158.00 for single and double rooms. The room block is still open for reservations, but the cut off date has passed. The Marriott *might* be able to give you the conference rate.
Call the Marriott directly at: 1.888.312.8002 and give them the FOPAM AUG2019 booking code. Ask for Staci.
The conference dates are August 6 - 9. However we have a small number of rooms available for those attending the pre-conference workshop on August 5 and 6. In addition, there are some rooms available on August 4 and 10.
If you try to book your room and the website gives you a "rooms unavailable" message, it may be that the block has been filled for your first or last night, but there may still be rooms available in the main part of the block. Please email, Robin Craven, the FOPAM 2019 Conference Manager and she can contact the Marriott directly to try to obtain a room for you.
The cut-off date for FOPAM 2019 rooms at the conference rate was: Friday, July 12.